
Morgan & the Hunter

After the weekend off and having nursed the copious amounts of food and alcohol out of my system, I was right back into my routine, with no less ambition and excitement than the day I started. Having my list of things to draw and having the day to think about it, I came up with a concept of what I wanted to paint. Knowing I wanted to create something regarding animals, I thought why not use my sister’s gorgeous pets as the basis for two characters, the cat named Morgan and the dog named Hunter.

I started off by sketching a rough outline of that of the positioning of the characters and with collecting some images of my sister’s pets, I got to work doing a composite.

Bashing multiple photos together from my photo album and google images, I was starting to see how the painting was coming together. Once I had everything I wanted within the image, I then used the smudge tool and a pen brush to give it a traditional painted texture, which I feel really started to tie the painting together.

Using multiple layers of highlights and darks, I started to build up some depth and detail of the painting. I was really pleased with how it was looking, which is always a relief as the first few stages of creating artwork this way can be a very sore sight, but yet again it was having faith in the process.

Looking at the finished image, I am pleasantly surprised with how it turned out. Due to this technique being one I haven’t used in quite some time, I was worried I had forgotten some of the tricks needed in order to pull the artwork together. However, it came pretty close to how I had visualised it within my head. In my opinion, I believe I managed to create two interesting characters in the form of my sister’s pets, even going as far as to name the duo Morgan & the Hunter. The duo are set in a post apocalyptic world, relying on each other for survival. Overall, I hope my sister enjoys the image just as much as I did creating it.

Inciting Incident; development

For me and my group things are moving quick as we are quite keen and excited to explore this project and the challenges it brings, we are already on phase 2 of designing the 3 scenes starting to already finalise ideas. Daisy(group member) Came in today to show off her model in person and for me and her to put our models side by side , surprisingly we had both made them the exact same size so they looked pleasing sitting next to each other however mine is put to shame for the amount of detail and colour hers contains.


After viewing them both and talking about the challenges they rose we both agreed that we are feeling much more confident in how to tackle the scene, only to be told that the scene Layout must be a certain structural build. Back to the drawing board.img_0195

While i was doing this i was also referring back to the story and seeing what small indications of the true story i could sneak in there or how to better link the scenes. Phoebe also had some work to show as she had delved more into the character design aspect creating some great illustrations for scene 2!



Its safe to say that we work ver well as a group as we inspire and encourage each other to bounce around ideas and keep up with the fluent workflow! At this point in the project i can see it slowly piecing itself together and i am excited to see what the outcome will be!